In Russell Westbrook We Trust

Russell Westbrook is the guy who you love to bits but at the same time causes you to pull out your hair and shriek in disbelief.

One moment he’s locking up the opposing team’s point guard thereby disrupting the entire offense while on the next play he’s chucking up an ill-advised 35-footer when he could have easily attacked the rack.

This is how I feel whenever I get to catch games of the Brodie and Co. Russ has what it takes to be a top 3 player in the League. He’s got the size, the athleticism, and the skills. He’s any coach’s dream point guard, really. He can be a pesky defender if he wanted to. But of course, by the title of this article, I’m an apologist for Russ. I tend to shut out the bad in favor of the good in spite of what everyone else is saying about my guy.

I often overlook his poor decision-making, especially in the clutch. How couldn’t I? If you were watching his MVP season, whenever the game was close within the final minutes, I was certain Russ was going to have another highlight added to his reel. Remember his game-winning three against the Denver Nuggets that also happened to be his record-breaking triple double? Well I do and that was a heck of play. It’s those kinds of plays that the greats always made and solidified their place in history. That’s how Russ was back in that special year. You just knew that he was going to do something special every night.

I’ve read tons of articles that range from how Russ should change his game or how the Brodie will never win a championship with his play. The points are valid but in spite of it all I’m riding with Russ. Here’s three reasons why in Russ I trust.

1. Jordan and Kobe-esque

Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant are two all-time greats that set themselves a class above everyone else. Jordan and Kobe were maniacs on and off the court. There was never an in-between with these guys. It was either they were all in or they weren’t at all.


Westbrook, even if his career might suffer long-term (I shelved this piece and as of January 2019, Russ has been showing signs of decreased athleticism which brings a tear to my eye), never takes nights off. Sure, rest is good and important, but being basketball players, there shouldn’t be any reason not to lace ’em up and put on a show for the fans.

Even if Jordan and Kobe were nursing injuries, as long as they could play, they would play. Westbrook, who has history with his cheekbone and knee surgeries, plays every game like it was his last. Westbrook even takes the All-Star Game seriously. When all the guys are just laughing and horsing around, the Brodie is getting his game going as if it were a playoff game. The only difference in February is the smile Russ has while he obliterates the competition.


Even Jordan sees himself in the 2017 NBA MVP while Kobe shares that his competitive nature and drive reminds him of his younger days.

Being mentioned in the same breath with these two legends is a feat many hoopers try to achieve. But for these GOATs to say it themselves, well that’s an entirely different ballgame.

2. Love me for who I am

Russ has that “zero fucks given” attitude. In an era where social media has everyone tippy-toeing and holding back, Russ is as aggressive as if he saw the lane open for one of his thunderous slams.

love me

It’s crazy just how much this dude doesn’t care about what the media thinks. It’s hilarious how Russ has brewed fear in the hearts of reporters. Every NBA interview compilation has a clip of Russ snapping at a reporter and it’s crazy funny. He has so much of these moments that he even has his own montage and memes.

This guy is a walking highlight, both on and off the court. If he isn’t finishing a breakaway dunk, he’s probably making reporters sweat at postgame pressers. It doesn’t matter where he is or what he’s doing. Russ will be Russ. The only question is whether you’ll love him to bits or hate him completely.

3. Why Not?

But perhaps what pulls me towards Westbrook’s persona is his slogan and life mantra – Why Not?

Often times in life, we arrive at moments when we doubt who we are and what we can do. Whether you’re a student that fears not making the grade average needed for your course or you’re a parent who doesn’t know where to get next month’s mortgage payments, sometimes it’s difficult to believe that we’ll get through and achieve what we set out to.


This is where I truly resonate with Russ. Sure you’ll say that for a point guard, he’s bigger and stronger than the competition, but then again, Russ doesn’t just stay in the perimeter. For a floor general, Russ spends a lot of court time jostling for position in the paint, against guys that are five or six inches taller than him. In spite of this disadvantage, most of the time, Russ is getting that rebound and there’s no one stopping him (not even Steven Adams, eh?).

Russ stuck his middle finger right in the faces of everyone who doubted him during his MVP campaign. Fresh of the shock of KD’s departure, Russ went on full on sicko mode and achieved what many believed was impossible all the while willing his hodge-podge squad to the playoffs.


No rebound is too far enough for the Brodie. Cos #WhyNot, right?

The elusive triple-double season average, which was previously accomplished only by Oscar Robertson in the 60s, became a nightly countdown during the 2016-2017 NBA season when Russ was the darling of every fan of the League.

Russ broke the 55 year-old record easily so much so that the following season, he quietly averaged yet another triple-double season. It’s crazy how a record that seemed impossible to replicate was done two consecutive seasons. What a time to be alive.

I admire Russ’ commitment to things he sets his mind to. Whenever I’m faced with a situation that seems impossible, I always manage to ask why not under my breath or simply in my thoughts.

Oklahoma City Thunder v Golden State Warriors

Russ used to be the guy who would undoubtedly take the final shot. But this season, in his sophomore campaign with Paul George,  Russ has noticeably deferred to his partner in the clutch. A welcome sign for Russ and OKC fans for sure!

As a guy that roots for Russ’ professional success, it’s often difficult to find joy in the form of late postseason runs and champagne showers. However throughout the Brodie’s struggles, I am able to see values that I believe work not only on the hardcourt, but more importantly out and about in the world.

Go Russ! Go Thunder!

The UAAP is back!

Beat writers for the NBA often say that the once 10-month long season has now become an all-year-round league. More than just the games, the players, coaches and everything in between are getting more coverage now than they’ve ever gotten before.

Thanks in equal part to social media and the interest from fans, basketball is legitimately becoming a way of life.

Whatever happens on the biggest basketball stage slowly trickles down to all the other leagues in the world. Case in point is the UAAP. Decades before the only people who tuned in to the UAAP were students, faculty and alumni of participating schools. But with household names such as Kiefer Ravena, Alyssa Valdez and even more contemporary heroes in Ricci Rivero and Thirdy Ravena playing in the UAAP, fans outside of the participating institutions have become more invested.

UAAP opening

Season 81-host National University definitely pulled all the strings with NBA MVP Stephen Curry leading the Oath of Sportsmanship. (Photo:

The UAAP is definitely back and with a bang! This year’s opening festivities has probably been the grandest its ever been. With SM Group-owned National University hosting Season 81, the Bulldogs made sure to pull out all the surprises. Stephen Curry of the Golden State Warriors led the Oath of Sportsmanship for the athletes. On the entertainment side of things, James Reid and K-Pop idol Minzy dazzled the crowd before the main event rolled out. I can’t remember a UAAP opening that could pass off as an NBA superstar meet-and-greet event/local celebrity concert/K-Pop show. SM really flaunting that money.

But more than the off-court festivities, I was greatly impressed with the show the boys put out on the floor. I’ve missed the familiar faces. Thirdy’s been dunking all over the place again while Juan GDL’s proving the “sophomore slump” still hasn’t gotten to him (at least on the first two games of the season). Rookies such as Dave Ildefonso are making a splash in just their freshman seasons.

The UAAP is stacked but most importantly it’s back!

Para sa Bayan 🇵🇭

Jordan Clarkson has been great for Gilas, but even more so for the Filipino people.

I say this because this guy has legitimately been proud to don the National colors and share his experience with our basketball program. It’s quite rare to find half-Filipinos who choose to associate themselves more with their Filipino heritage. Clarkson has been different from the rest thus it’s no surprise he’s been showered with love and affection from the millions of Pinoys all over the world.

This isn’t some guy who was just pressured into suiting up for the National squad. Often times Filipinos have this peculiar trait of “owning” a portion of someone famous. With Clarkson playing in the grandest basketball stage, it’s no wonder Filipinos have dug up and mapped out how he is linked to the Philippines. Ever since news came out that he could possibly play for Gilas, Clarkson has been very vocal about his desire to represent the Philippines in international competition. He’ll even be the first one to tell you that he’s Filipino and that it would be a dream come true to represent the country.

What I find the most joy in this situation is the fact that an up and coming NBA player such as Clarkson would risk his health and sacrifice his off-season rest to grind it out with our squad in the 2018 Asian Games. The NBA season is no joke which is why rest plays such a huge role in preparing for the next 82-game cycle.

The Cleveland Cavaliers guard has been a wonderful addition to the squad in spite of what our record says. We might have failed to secure a podium finish, but the excellent showing against Asian powerhouses such as China and Korea are enough to give our fellow basketball-crazed kababayans a beacon of hope for years to come.

Being able to share the same court with legends, and may I add Filipino favorites, Kobe Bryant and LeBron James, Clarkson brings a lot to the table which can really be the start of a renaissance in Philippine basketball. Perhaps with Clarkson in tow, the Philippines can become a basketball powerhouse in Asia in the next couple of years.

I can’t wait for the next time Clarkson and Co. suit up. The results might still be against us, but I’m damn sure that their #PUSO will be there every single time they go into battle for the Philippines.

LOOK: Pinoy athletes and celebrities wearing the new Nike X NBA jerseys!

The Nike X NBA partnership has basketball fans buzzing all over the world!

Check out your favorite Pinoy athletes and celebrities wearing the latest jerseys from the Swoosh.

As the NBA season draws closer, more of your favorite Pinoy athletes and celebrities will post their snapshots with the hottest jerseys in the game.

Check back here to see your favorites post snapshots of them with the hottest jerseys in the game.

Thirdy Ravena

King Blue Eagle Thirdy Ravena always reps the Swoosh hard. Here he is decked in a LeBron James jersey with the Swoosh from head-to-toe. #TeamNike

Jinno Rufino

TV personality and diehard Lakers fan Jinno Rufino made sure to cop the Purple and Gold’s latest threads in the classic home colorway.

Jairus Aquino

Kapamilya teen actor Jairus Aquino reps the Golden State Warriors and Stephen Curry with the new NIKExNBA jersey.

Jeron Teng

Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil

One of the country’s hottest love teams reps the Lakers in the new NIKExNBA jerseys. Who knew that LizQuen were such huge fans of the Purple and Gold?

The King vs The Kid

Air Jordan.

Black Mamba.


The Mailman.

Dr. J.

The Logo.

All these are nicknames for some of the National Basketball Association’s (NBA) greatest players.

In the world’s grandest basketball stage, having a nickname is the moment that signals the arrival of an NBA player. Being blessed with a nickname means that you’ve reached a certain level of respect among both peers and fans.

Recently during the Cleveland Cavaliers’ media day session, LeBron James finally broke the silence regarding Kyrie Irving’s departure. The King provided commentary regarding the situation using colorful language that raised some eyebrows in the media.

FOX Sports commentator Colin Cowherd raised an interesting point regarding LeBron’s word choice to refer to the four-time All-Star.

“At some point, when he was ready to take over the keys, I was ready to give ’em to him. … I wish the kid great health. And the kid wanted to what’s best, I guess, for his career. I tried to do whatever I could just to help the kid be as great as he could be or as great as he wanted to be.”

Cowherd noted that LeBron is currently 32 years old while Kyrie is 25. The seven-year age gap isn’t really that much of a difference to warrant the language LeBron used. He also goes on to rattle off Kyrie’s achievements that seemingly demands a certain degree of respect.

“Talented, accomplished people don’t want to be called “kid””, Cowherd further added to his point.

LeBron, entering his 15th season in the League, seemingly considers himself as one of the elder statesmen that doles out wisdom to the younger players.

He’s been in the NBA for almost half of his life and consequently has grown up in front of the public eye. His life as an NBA player has certainly taught him a lot about basketball and life which perhaps why he feels as if he’s the “big brother”.

Kyrie, in just six seasons under his belt, has accomplished more than other players have in their entire careers. Matter of fact, he’s also been blessed with the “Uncle Drew” moniker that he got as an alter-ego from his Pepsi commercials.

In spite of being one of the league’s best players, Kyrie seemingly doesn’t get the respect he feels he deserves from LeBron.

Cowherd says that LeBron called Kyrie “the kid” in the press conference and he could only imagine what the King called him behind closed doors.

In Cleveland, Kyrie was always second-fiddle to LeBron. He was Robin to LeBron’s Batman. LeBron, although being 6’8 and 250 pounds, played point guard and ran the offense while Kyrie stood on the corner and waited for LeBron’s call.

In Boston, Kyrie has the chance to be “the man” in spite of playing alongside Gordon Hayward and Al Horford. The 6’2 playmaker is now the biggest star on the Celtics and will undoubtedly be the face of the franchise. The ball will be in his hands more often than not, dictating where the offense goes and what shots he’ll be taking.

NBA players, with their multi-million contracts and signature kicks, are people that have huge egos. Let’s face it. These individuals are among the world’s best athletes and the most recognizable faces on Earth. The attention, fame, and wealth have most likely inflated their egos to epic proportions. Something as minute as being called “kid” could possibly irk someone of Irving’s stature.

Nobody will truly know whether or not LeBron’s choice of words drove Kyrie away from Cleveland. But it isn’t difficult to imagine that a superstar like Kyrie didn’t appreciate being called a “kid” by a guy who’s just seven years older than him.

The Cavaliers and Celtics square off on Opening Night.

The basketball gods have blessed us with a preview of one of the League’s most promising rivalries to come.

It’s the King vs the Kid.

It’s a game you surely wouldn’t want to miss.

Featured photo sourced from:

I’m taking my talents to Cleveland

Three-time National Basketball Association (NBA) champion Dwyane Wade has decided to take his talents to Cleveland for the upcoming season.

The 35-year-old shooting guard recently completed a buy-out from the Chicago Bulls that saw him leave close to $8 million on the table.

Wade is set to reunite with his Banana Boat buddy LeBron James with the Cleveland Cavaliers. Wade and James were also previously teammates as members of the Miami Heat that became back-to-back NBA champions in 2012 and 2013.

Many pundits believe that D-Wade would have been better off signing with the Oklahoma City (OKC) Thunder. The Thunder recently pulled off another free-agency shocker by landing superstar Carmelo Anthony from the New York Knicks. OKC’s line-up now features last season’s MVP in Russell Westbrook and star forward Paul George. Adding Anthony into the mix, OKC possesses a serious offensive threat that can rival the firepower of the defending NBA champs the Golden State Warriors.

The Thunder recently pulled off another free-agency shocker by landing superstar Carmelo Anthony from the New York Knicks. OKC’s line-up now features last season’s Most Valuable Player in Russell Westbrook and star forward Paul George. Adding Anthony into the mix, OKC possesses a serious offensive threat that can rival the firepower of the defending NBA champs the Golden State Warriors.

However, this past off-season saw the migration of some of the Eastern Conference’s biggest names to the now even wilder Western Conference.

Jimmy Butler of the Chicago Bulls was dealt to the Minnesota Timberwolves. Having a defensive dynamo in Butler, the Young Wolves’ roster definitely gets an upgrade. George, as mentioned earlier, found a temporary home in OKC, amidst talks of him “hell-bent” on being a Los Angeles Laker by next season.

For Wade, Cleveland seemed to be the better option career-wise for two reasons- LeBron James and the weak Eastern Conference.

Everyone knows that Wade and James both enjoy playing with each other and are really close friends off the court. They’re actually bestfriends. How many NBA players get to play with their bestfriends? Not many and that’s why Cleveland was an obvious destination.

Wade recognizes that LeBron is still arguably the best player on the planet. Even recently acquired Isaiah Thomas believes so. Having LeBron on your team without a doubt makes life on the court much easier on both ends. Wade, albeit showing flashes of brilliance for the Bulls last season, needs all the rest he can get to keep his legs fresh for the Cavs’ deep playoff run. It’s been a few years since Wade last played all the way to June and one would have to wonder how much pounding can his body still take.

Aside from having this generation’s greatest player, Wade can also take advantage of the even weaker Eastern Conference this season. Prior to Wade’s decision to join the Cavs, many sports analysts and fans believed that Cleveland was going back to the Finals yet again for the upcoming season. The only team that stood in their way was the re-tooled Boston Celtics. After acquiring Gordon Hayward via free agency, Boston made another move to trade Thomas, Jae Crowder, and Ante Zizic for Kyrie Irving.

Boston’s Big Three of Hayward, Irving, and Al Horford will pose a challenge for LeBron and Co. but Cleveland is still the heavy favorite to represent the Eastern Conference in the NBA Finals.

With the departure of Irving, there was a buzz around the League that the power landscape in the East had begun to shift. Cleveland dispelled all notions of a changing of the guards by acquiring aging yet tried-and-tested veterans.

Thomas and Crowder, pieces of last year’s Eastern Conference finalist squad, provide offense and defense that the Cavs can use to bolster its second-unit. The only concern for Thomas would be his timetable of return from his hip injury. The 5 foot 9 Washington native averaged close to 30 PPG last season which is a testament to his scoring prowess at that stature.

Derrick Rose, the former Bulls superstar, signed with the 2016 NBA champs for the veteran minimum. Imagine having the youngest MVP in the L sign for such a small contract that certainly allows Cleveland to go after other high-caliber pieces.

Add Wade into the mix and you’ve got a collection of players who are uber-talented but just had issues to deal with yet are more than capable of getting the Cavaliers over the hump.

All three superstars have had their fair share of injuries that have hindered them from performing at their best the past few years. Perhaps teaming up with LeBron, who reportedly spends $1.5 million on his body, can help these aging superstars a thing or two about taking care of themselves.

For Wade, this reunion is an opportunity to reach the pinnacle of Basketball yet again. He knows that he cannot do it alone. He knows that LeBron has been there for the last seven years and that he hasn’t.

Wade, Thomas, and Rose might all piggyback on the King’s broad shoulders all the way until the NBA Finals, but that doesn’t mean that they’re getting a free ride all the way to championship glory.

Once the superstar trio finally settles in their roles and gets their legs back under them, LeBron will have what will perhaps be the most talented group of guys around him in his entire career.

Cleveland is reloaded for yet another date with championship glory.

The Cavs are ready to Defend the Land.

Featured photo courtesy of



Throwback: Kobe’s “dunk” on LeBron James

LeBron James is coming back for the third time to Manila on September 2 as part of his ‘LeBron James Tour 2017’ with Nike Basketball.

The four-time National Basketball Association Most Valuable Player has had fond trips to the Philippines back in 2013 and 2015 also for a brand tour with the Swoosh.

During LeBron’s ‘Witness’ tour at the Mall of Asia Arena in 2013, a young Kobe Paras had his first Kodak moment featuring none other than King James.

Albeit many basketball fans consider this a faux dunk, it still is impressive considering the fact that LeBron did attempt to at least block the shot.

In spite of getting ‘dunked’ on, the King was still in high spirits, treating the Filipino crowd to a sample of his gravity-defying dunks.

Tour attendees were hyped whenever LeBron completed dunks right before their eyes – a spectacle which they only previously saw on their screens.

Heck even Japeth Aguilar, a professional basketball player for the Barangay Ginebra San Miguel, was too excited he air balled an elementary jumper from the baseline.

LeBron gamely entertains the Pinoy crowd with his gravity-defying dunks. (Photo courtesy of SB Nation)




LeBron leads a group of Filipino professional and amateur ballers through drills. (Photo courtesy of SB Nation)



LeBron gamely entertains the crowd with his spectacular dunks. (Photo courtesy of SB Nation)



King James showing off his skills with the basketball. (Photo courtesy of SB Nation)





Smiling Kawhi is taking over this summer

San Antonio Spurs forward Kawhi Leonard is best-known as the NBA’s premier two-way player. However, he isn’t readily associated with smiles and laughs unlike his contemporaries across the League.

Kawhi has been on a smiling-spree in his most recent public appearances this summer. Rapper 2Chainz first posted a photo of the back-to-back Defensive Player of the Year wearing a small yet evident smile at his event.  Succeeding images of “Smiling Kawhi” surfaced as part of his Jordan Brand tour across China. Basketball fans have been caught off-guard by the recent frequency of Kawhi flashing his pearly whites.

Even teammate Manu Ginobili was caught off-guard by the sudden change of Kawhi’s persona. In six seasons as teammates, Ginobili has yet to see Kawhi smile as much as he’s smiling at the moment.

Spurs fans sure hope that in spite of Smiling Kawhi, the 6’7 superstar remains as aggressive and tenacious on both ends of the floor. As for the rest of the League, they can only hope that Smiling Kawhi takes it easy on them come the regular season and deep in the playoffs.